Piripiri Campsite

Piripiri Campsite




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Piripiri Campsite


Piripiri Campsite

Piripiri Campsite is closed.

- FREE for all campers
- Toilet
- No fires
- Max. 3 nights per calendar month
- Great fishing from the campsite
- Good swimming holes

Driving Directions:

Turn off State Highway 3 at Ashhurst, and drive north through Ashhurst onto Pohangina Road. At Raumai, turn right onto Pohangina Valley East Road, driving past Totara Reserve and Takapari Road until reaching Piripiri Bridge. The campsite is on the left just before the bridge. It has a short steep access track that may be slippery when wet.


Please take care if attempting to get a vehicle onto the site. Large motorhomes may have difficulty managing the steep gravel access into the reserve. During winter the grounds can be muddy and it's possible you'll get stuck.


- Just south, is Kahikatea Walk, a 30 min loop track
- Further south, is Pettifar & Gilchrist Loop Tracks, about 1-2 hours each


  • Piripiri Campsite closed

    Piripiri campsite is closed due to damage to the grounds by vehicles.

    This is a long term alert. 

    First published on 6 July 2022. Last reviewed on 11 February 2025.

DOC Campsite Pricing

Piripiri Campsite is categorised as a DOC Basic Campsite. The following pricing indicates usual pricing.

DOC Basic Campsite

Basic campsites have very limited facilities so you need to be fully self-sufficient. There are basic toilets and water may be from a water tank that is untreated, stream or lake. Untreated water should be boiled before use to ensure it's safe. Access may be by road or boat.

Feature Value Value
Unpowered Site Adult $0.00 per night
Unpowered Site Child $0.00 per night
Unpowered Site Infant $0.00 per night

Adults are 18+ years, children are 5-17 years, infants are 0-4 years.


Feature Value Info


DOC Manawatu/Whanganui

Central government organisation


North IslandManawatu - WanganuiPalmerston North


  • Activity__basic_facility_campingBasic Camping
  • Free

Operating Season And Hours

Campsite is closed due to damage to the grounds by vehicles.


To Coordinates







  • 2.5/5

    I can see how this campsite would be good in the summer.

    But I recently visited just last week. Winter... It's step hill entrance was one thing that I expected, it was ok. But I was careful. But then I got to the bottom and got stuck in the mud near the entrance.

    I think this campsite should be closed in winter, Or Only open to 4x4 if that.. over winter.

    I got stuck, had no reception, I couldn't believe the situation I was in.... luckily I waved down a vehicle for help and a lovely local named Rebecca and her father helped me and towed me out of the campsite. They agree this campsite should be closed in winter. As this is not the first time locals have had to help tow people out of the mud. / (Grass landing in summer)

    Reviewed over 2 years ago

  • 3.5/5

    Nice small grassy area for your campervan.

    River close by. One long drop toilet along the road. No cellphone reception.

    Reviewed over 4 years ago