Ranking Score Explained

G'day, thanks for your interest in how we calculate an experience's ranking score. It's at the core of Rankers so I'm pleased you're curious.

The ranking score percentage is used to compare and sort experiences in ranking tables. It is not necessarily a direct measurement of the quality of a particular experience as rated by its customers. I've found it a useful tool to allow me to find the best experiences with confidence. But I've also found it important to read the customer reviews before making any final judgements!

We calculate an experience's ranking score using a multi-factor data model instead of a raw data average (mean). This model takes into account several important questions. For instance - is there a trusted body of reviews? What is the age of a review and is the review from a credible source?

Below you'll find details around some of the important factors that went into calculating the ranking score for Rings Scenic Tours.

If you have any questions or comments about our ranking score calculation please get in touch at info@rankers.co.nz. We don't believe this is perfect or complete so we're always interested in ways we might make improvements.

Cymen Crick's avatar

Cymen Crick

Rankers Owner

Rings Scenic Tours

Valid Reviews

364 Valid Reviews

The Rings Scenic Tours experience has a total of 364 valid reviews. There are no invalid reviews that are excluded from the calculation. Reviews can be excluded only when a reviewer is not verified or after an investigation by our team determines the reviewer is not genuine.

Below is the distribution of ratings for the 364 valid reviews:

Rating Count Percentage
10/10 83
9/10 83
8/10 92
7/10 62
6/10 22
5/10 10
4/10 7
3/10 3
2/10 1
1/10 1

81.57% Average

The raw data average (mean) for all the Rings Scenic Tours valid reviews is 81.57% and is based on 364 valid reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here as a comparison to the weighted average.

Face-to-Face Reviews

339 Face-to-Face Reviews

The Rankers team meets with travellers while they’re in New Zealand and conducts face-to-face surveys. These reviews, in our opinion, are the most trusted in the industry and represent a critical control sample. To our knowledge, we are the only travel review website in the world that has gone to this extent.

More about face-to-face reviews

Within the 364 valid reviews, the experience has 339 face-to-face reviews collected during interviews by our team.

Below is the distribution of ratings for the 339 face-to-face reviews:

Rating Count Percentage
10/10 76
9/10 75
8/10 92
7/10 57
6/10 21
5/10 9
4/10 6
3/10 2
2/10 0
1/10 1

81.77% Average

The raw data average (mean) for all the Rings Scenic Tours face-to-face reviews is 81.77% and is based on 339 face-to-face reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here for comparison purposes.

Weighted Average


Rankers calculates a weighted mean as a base average on which we can improve. Individual review's ratings are given a weight based on several factors. The weight of a review determines the overall impact it'll have on the final weighted average.

Recent reviews have more weight as they are more relevant and reflect the experience as it currently operates. Over time reviews become less relevant and loose their impact on the ranking score.

Low rating reviews carry slightly less weight. This dampens the effect of very low ratings for every experience across the board. This is especially important when the experience has few reviews overall and a single negative rating can grossly mischaracterise an experience. Consistent poor reviews will still result in the experience receiving a comparitively low ranking score.

Credible sources provide reviews that can be trusted. If we have verified a reviewer is genuine via a face-to-face meeting then the review carries additional weight.

Reviewer Rating Age Relative Weight
Sarah Killury 5/10 2546 days 80%
Rado Hank 10/10 2634 days 100%
Eva Cordemeyer 9/10 2636 days 99%
Janneke van Krieken 8/10 2638 days 98%
Jennie Tollerton 10/10 2640 days 100%
Anis Quentin 10/10 2642 days 100%
Phil Baker 9/10 2643 days 98%
Jeny Smolders 9/10 2646 days 98%
Linnea Sahlberg 10/10 2653 days 99%
Steve Jackson 8/10 2891 days 84%
Christoph Grubmair 9/10 2898 days 84%
Robin 7/10 2899 days 79%
Andy 6/10 2900 days 73%
Philip Grant 7/10 2902 days 79%
Sam Wolfe 7/10 2903 days 79%
Pierre 7/10 2913 days 78%
Sophie Pettler 8/10 2915 days 82%
Auba Mateos 10/10 2920 days 84%
Charlotte 10/10 2920 days 84%
Francesca Scott 9/10 2920 days 83%
Anders Frank 7/10 2922 days 78%
Benedikt Lorenz 9/10 2924 days 82%
Simon Briens 7/10 2925 days 77%
Kathrin Herbst 8/10 2926 days 82%
Chaulet 10/10 2931 days 83%
Kristina Nunoz 9/10 2932 days 82%
Riccardo 8/10 2933 days 81%
Theerada Wongkaew 10/10 2953 days 82%
Joonas Lehtomaki 9/10 2958 days 81%
Jessica Freeland 8/10 2960 days 80%
Laura David 9/10 2961 days 80%
Gretha 9/10 2963 days 80%
Dries 9/10 2963 days 80%
Bjorn Nielsen 10/10 2963 days 81%
Stephan Bruhwile 8/10 2963 days 79%
Micha Kuster 9/10 2964 days 80%
Alna 10/10 2969 days 81%
Patricia 10/10 2970 days 81%
Alex 10/10 2970 days 81%
Jennie Holland 10/10 2975 days 80%
Jasmine Rogers 8/10 2976 days 79%
Alicia Speisekorn-Gil 8/10 2979 days 79%
Alonso 8/10 2982 days 78%
Sophie 9/10 2983 days 79%
Jannika Cao 6/10 2985 days 69%
Rose Guillaume 6/10 2985 days 69%
Pierre Landenne 8/10 2985 days 78%
Evelyn Rloeh 10/10 2986 days 80%
John Edwards 10/10 2987 days 80%
Alice Frater 9/10 2987 days 79%
Rik van der Niet 8/10 2988 days 78%
Sina Schmidt 8/10 2997 days 78%
Simeon Manz 10/10 2997 days 79%
Charlotte Molesworth 8/10 2999 days 77%
Sam Staines 8/10 3001 days 77%
Christine 5/10 3002 days 60%
Jessica Nasstrom 7/10 3003 days 73%
Megan 8/10 3006 days 77%
Laura Leoekloek 8/10 3006 days 77%
Gordon Todan 10/10 3011 days 78%
Niels 9/10 3012 days 77%
MARK CURPHEY 10/10 3014 days 78%
Sam Taylor 8/10 3015 days 77%
Dave Ellis 8/10 3015 days 77%
Anne 8/10 3021 days 76%
Catherine Pigeon 9/10 3126 days 71%
Jana Ebelina 8/10 3202 days 66%
Celina 7/10 3202 days 63%
Vanuxem 7/10 3219 days 62%
Lukas Boller 7/10 3221 days 62%
Thomas Michel 8/10 3221 days 65%
Simon Schatz 9/10 3224 days 65%
Lisa Haedrich 9/10 3225 days 65%
Thomas Le Buzulier 7/10 3228 days 61%
Emmanuel Roux 7/10 3230 days 61%
Bas Marinus 6/10 3233 days 56%
Liam King 8/10 3234 days 64%
Caroline Shaw 10/10 3234 days 66%
Sabrina Schneider 10/10 3235 days 65%
Christian Krause 9/10 3236 days 65%
Sam Fenton-Elston 8/10 3236 days 64%
Karin Karlsson 9/10 3237 days 65%
Anika D 7/10 3239 days 61%
Stephanie Still 10/10 3239 days 65%
Chloe and Guillame 8/10 3239 days 64%
Hana Rachfalik 10/10 3240 days 65%
Saskia Peek 7/10 3242 days 61%
Erika Tarant 8/10 3242 days 64%
Julie Duvert 10/10 3243 days 65%
Dan Ramsl 4/10 3243 days 42%
Lucy Mulvin 9/10 3244 days 64%
Fine Kochling 10/10 3246 days 65%
Hannes 9/10 3247 days 64%
Samuel Lucht 9/10 3247 days 64%
Laura Moore 10/10 3248 days 65%
Nathan Raymond 7/10 3249 days 60%
Arthur Portolleau 8/10 3250 days 63%
Ellie Doughty 5/10 3251 days 49%
Nancy Logan 7/10 3253 days 60%
Isabella Sinnesbickle 10/10 3254 days 64%
Verena Konetzhi 7/10 3255 days 60%
Severin Knegsch 6/10 3256 days 55%
Anna Jungclaus 9/10 3257 days 64%
Nanna Torp 8/10 3259 days 63%
Lewis Whittle 8/10 3259 days 63%
Lukas Seager 8/10 3259 days 63%
Lea Behnem 10/10 3261 days 64%
Ben and Pauline 9/10 3261 days 63%
Marcus 8/10 3263 days 63%
Jesper 8/10 3263 days 63%
Johannes Koch 10/10 3263 days 64%
Ann-Kathrin 9/10 3266 days 63%
Dawn Howard 8/10 3266 days 62%
Amit Bass 10/10 3267 days 64%
Laura Schafer 10/10 3267 days 64%
Robin Lakner 4/10 3267 days 41%
Sebastian 10/10 3268 days 64%
Jaquein Bucholz 10/10 3268 days 64%
Ben Schieber 4/10 3268 days 41%
Annika Weber 10/10 3268 days 64%
Antoine Boudin 7/10 3268 days 59%
Cariotta Kemper 9/10 3268 days 63%
Richard May 6/10 3269 days 55%
Max Butteli 6/10 3270 days 55%
Mijke Boesten 8/10 3274 days 62%
Pierre Alexandre 7/10 3275 days 59%
Charlotte Schleicher 10/10 3277 days 63%
Briony 9/10 3278 days 62%
Kirsten Gehrenbeck 9/10 3278 days 62%
Felix Sternke 6/10 3279 days 54%
Gerrit 8/10 3279 days 62%
Sascha Daub 8/10 3279 days 62%
Melanie Kronbichler 10/10 3279 days 63%
Henry Wichler 9/10 3279 days 62%
Richard Starkeq 7/10 3279 days 59%
Ruven Rintelmann 6/10 3279 days 54%
Katlin Pollinger 7/10 3280 days 58%
Taylor Fabricius 10/10 3281 days 63%
Sophia Harnisch 10/10 3281 days 63%
Brianna Burd 8/10 3282 days 61%
Markus Wabing 6/10 3283 days 54%
Uschi Pongratz 10/10 3283 days 63%
Jessica Ruhland 8/10 3283 days 61%
David Soukal 9/10 3284 days 62%
Olivia Aliprandi 8/10 3285 days 61%
Jacquiline Bukmann 7/10 3286 days 58%
Isabelle 10/10 3287 days 62%
M J 9/10 3288 days 62%
Susi 9/10 3289 days 62%
Maxima Buisan 7/10 3290 days 58%
Franziska Hohmann 8/10 3292 days 61%
Faye Oliver 4/10 3293 days 40%
Alice Melker 7/10 3293 days 58%
Lauren Thompson 8/10 3293 days 61%
Sophie NIemann 10/10 3296 days 62%
Christian Reimund 7/10 3298 days 58%
Nina Kletner 7/10 3299 days 57%
Pekka and Jonna 8/10 3299 days 61%
Fabian Graf 8/10 3299 days 61%
Julia Ebneter 8/10 3301 days 60%
Jenny and Till 7/10 3302 days 57%
Sara and Antoine 7/10 3303 days 57%
Kathanina Jasik 10/10 3303 days 62%
Josephine 8/10 3304 days 60%
Toni Gabby 9/10 3304 days 61%
Luisa and Hannes 7/10 3304 days 57%
Nico 6/10 3305 days 53%
Eline Meijer 8/10 3321 days 59%
Nicola Wiggan 7/10 3322 days 56%
Marc 7/10 3323 days 56%
Linda and Gunther 9/10 3323 days 60%
Malina 8/10 3325 days 59%
Julia Martin 6/10 3325 days 52%
Sebastian Schurchardt 10/10 3326 days 60%
Elodie 8/10 3328 days 59%
Mette and Jesper 10/10 3330 days 60%
Jessica and Leonie 8/10 3336 days 58%
Hannah Fidora 8/10 3336 days 58%
Elizabeth Nash 7/10 3341 days 55%
Selma Krap 9/10 3342 days 59%
Julia Waenninger 7/10 3348 days 55%
Lee Farrington 10/10 3369 days 58%
Sarah Boettcher 4/10 3384 days 37%
Luis . 7/10 3430 days 50%
Johanna Lidel 10/10 3602 days 44%
Amelie Eschenbach 10/10 3602 days 44%
Anna Birzle 10/10 3602 days 44%
Mak Walther 8/10 3604 days 43%
Miriam Burchartz 9/10 3604 days 44%
Celia Nowak 9/10 3648 days 41%
Andrew Simpson 10/10 3649 days 42%
Dominik Rehbaum 7/10 3663 days 38%
Marie Sander 8/10 3663 days 40%
Felix Holm 7/10 3686 days 37%
Sibylle and Nadine 8/10 3696 days 38%
Lukas, Anne and Malte 8/10 3706 days 38%
Hubert Schmid 10/10 3759 days 35%
Ron Clarke 10/10 3765 days 35%
Greg Gilmore 9/10 3942 days 25%
Fiona Hawkins 6/10 3942 days 21%
Lagarde 7/10 3947 days 23%
Julia Schabenberger 8/10 3948 days 24%
Lola 8/10 3948 days 24%
Alisa 9/10 3948 days 24%
Laura 8/10 3948 days 24%
Camille Bellay 5/10 3951 days 18%
Guillaume Yedoux 6/10 3951 days 21%
Catherine Schlachter 6/10 3955 days 21%
Christina Perez 6/10 3955 days 21%
Alex 10/10 3958 days 24%
Becky 9/10 3958 days 24%
Christoph Betten 9/10 3958 days 24%
Leonie Moeller 9/10 3958 days 24%
Herman Holmgist 10/10 3959 days 24%
Laura 9/10 3963 days 23%
Andreas Schindler 9/10 3963 days 23%
Bea Westkam 9/10 3964 days 23%
Julia Moellers 10/10 3964 days 24%
Sam Bruylant 8/10 3965 days 23%
Ines Bruylant 10/10 3966 days 23%
Laura 10/10 3974 days 23%
Christopher Buch Madsen 9/10 3975 days 23%
Laina Black 9/10 3979 days 22%
Ricky White 7/10 3979 days 21%
Eva-Maria Krueger 10/10 3980 days 23%
Hadler 8/10 3981 days 22%
Felicitas 7/10 3981 days 21%
Steffen 10/10 3983 days 22%
Sergey Pronkin 8/10 3983 days 22%
Nina Helmling 10/10 3983 days 22%
Cathrin Wisgiekl 7/10 3984 days 21%
Amanda 10/10 3990 days 22%
Derek 8/10 3990 days 22%
Julie Ledanois 9/10 3991 days 22%
Pierre Gentile 7/10 3991 days 20%
Steven Lotrian 7/10 3994 days 20%
Emeline Brocard 7/10 3994 days 20%
Marvin Koever 8/10 3994 days 21%
Max Meternich 8/10 3994 days 21%
Klaus Petersen 7/10 3998 days 20%
Dana 10/10 3998 days 22%
Rikke Petersen 9/10 3998 days 21%
Toke Frederiksen 8/10 4003 days 21%
Ruth Watkin 9/10 4004 days 21%
Elena Goschia 7/10 4006 days 20%
Matthias Freiling 9/10 4006 days 21%
Philipp Kluseuer 7/10 4006 days 20%
Jesseca Klausch 8/10 4006 days 21%
Johannes 8/10 4007 days 21%
Florian Littmann 9/10 4010 days 21%
Anna 8/10 4010 days 20%
Dan Lawson 7/10 4020 days 19%
Philipp 9/10 4020 days 20%
Sina Sacranie 8/10 4020 days 20%
Benedict Seite 7/10 4022 days 19%
Valerio Penita 6/10 4022 days 17%
Piotr Jurkowski 9/10 4024 days 20%
Roland Beer 8/10 4027 days 20%
Alexia Greasbaum 10/10 4027 days 20%
Petra Kurcova 10/10 4028 days 20%
Magdalene Zech 5/10 4029 days 15%
Marco Newald 5/10 4029 days 15%
Hendrik Schanz 10/10 4032 days 20%
B D 10/10 4039 days 19%
Elin Andersson 8/10 4039 days 19%
Elin Paulssen 10/10 4039 days 19%
Romina Bolz 7/10 4044 days 18%
Jeremy 9/10 4070 days 17%
Brian 9/10 4131 days 14%
Memain 9/10 4311 days 4%
Anton Thisted 8/10 4312 days 3%
Josefine Sjodin 7/10 4312 days 3%
Konza 9/10 4312 days 3%
Katie Fleck 6/10 4312 days 3%
Tim Vennewold 7/10 4332 days 2%
Francois 3/10 4345 days 1%
Stephanie Belanger 1/10 4348 days 0%
Tina 6/10 4351 days 1%
Bjorn Hedmark 10/10 4356 days 1%
Collacott 9/10 4359 days 1%
Dani Wallinger 8/10 4367 days 0%
Lis Bon 7/10 4373 days 0%
Craig Jones 9/10 4404 days 29%
Glyn Ethelston 4/10 4404 days 19%
Jurgen 7/10 4421 days 27%
Brigitte 8/10 4423 days 28%
Kohler 9/10 4424 days 29%
Wouter Trumpie 8/10 4424 days 28%
Roux 10/10 4425 days 29%
Reijenga 6/10 4426 days 25%
tanyap 9/10 4435 days 29%
Gary Brooks 10/10 4435 days 29%
Kristina Mårtensson 9/10 4435 days 29%
Alexander Klein 3/10 4439 days 16%
The Mowbrays 8/10 4445 days 28%
Martina Posch 10/10 4449 days 29%
Oliver German 9/10 4682 days 29%
Jill Homewood 10/10 4703 days 29%
Jaroslav Gajdos 5/10 4713 days 22%
Christian & Julia 10/10 4720 days 29%
Miina Hyuonen 9/10 4721 days 29%
Thomas 10/10 4721 days 29%
Verne Heath 10/10 4724 days 29%
Stefan 8/10 4724 days 28%
Ralf Glaser 7/10 4727 days 27%
Gloria, Rose & An 8/10 4731 days 28%
Anika 9/10 4738 days 29%
Asha 10/10 4770 days 29%
Tobias Forst 9/10 4802 days 29%
Anders Rathleff 9/10 4817 days 29%
Christina 9/10 4818 days 29%
JadesWorld 6/10 4831 days 25%
Patricia French 9/10 5035 days 29%
Chantal Wendel 8/10 5056 days 28%
Guult Ryan 7/10 5062 days 27%
Veronica Warren 7/10 5066 days 27%
Monica 9/10 5072 days 29%
Rachel Kent-Lawton 8/10 5076 days 28%
Anika Jedelsky 8/10 5077 days 28%
Rebecca Stones 8/10 5078 days 28%
Claudio 3/10 5082 days 16%
Faucon 5/10 5091 days 22%
Sebastian Engelke 4/10 5092 days 19%
Olivia Carvill 8/10 5092 days 28%
Marianne Astorp 10/10 5095 days 29%
Sprangers 7/10 5097 days 27%
qofd 9/10 5227 days 29%
ahtom82 2/10 5319 days 13%
heather Cardinal 9/10 5396 days 29%
Wim Van Gastel 8/10 5467 days 28%
Jansen 9/10 5535 days 29%
Tim Beuzeval 9/10 5538 days 29%
Elodie 8/10 5542 days 28%
Lionel Mouesca 9/10 5543 days 29%
neilchelt 7/10 5561 days 27%
suet 8/10 5775 days 28%
monikav 10/10 5775 days 29%
Nick 10/10 5805 days 29%
Rafael 9/10 5811 days 29%
Nanno 8/10 5825 days 28%
Florian 8/10 5832 days 28%
Thamar 7/10 5839 days 27%
Anna 7/10 5842 days 27%
Burkhalter 10/10 5846 days 29%
Lucas 10/10 5847 days 29%
Mark 8/10 5906 days 28%
Zoe Summers 9/10 5987 days 29%
Toby 5/10 6147 days 22%
Therese Axelsson 10/10 6165 days 29%
Anna Cronmalm 10/10 6167 days 29%
Christian Schutte 9/10 6221 days 29%
Gail 8/10 6221 days 28%
Christian Arnot 7/10 6244 days 27%
Anita 5/10 6244 days 22%
Jessica Callen 8/10 6377 days 28%
Millie 8/10 6485 days 28%
Stephanie 9/10 6486 days 29%
Kristine 6/10 6487 days 25%
Mike Shirley 9/10 6503 days 29%
Denise Nick 9/10 6514 days 29%
Austin 10/10 6519 days 29%
Claire 7/10 6519 days 27%
Detlef 8/10 6519 days 28%
Lukas 10/10 6551 days 29%


Several adjustments to the weighted average are added to improve relevancy and credibility. These adjustments apply equally to all experiences that meet the criteria.

Sample Size Adjustment

No Adjustment

A reasonable number of reviews are necessary in order for the average to be credible and for an experience to take a prime position within the ranking tables. As such, experiences with only a few reviews have a moderated score. This does not mean that the experience or the reviews can't be trusted. The Rings Scenic Tours experience has plenty of reviews and does not meet the criteria for any adjustment.

Recent Reviews Adjustment

-4.11% Adjustment

There may be an adjustment if this experience hasn't received any reviews within the last 47 days. However the Rings Scenic Tours experience does not meet the criteria for any adjustment.

In addition, an experience's ranking score may be adjusted for each day there is no new ranking. After 1 day the adjustment comes into effect. The maximum number of days that can be adjusted for is 200 days. Due to the seasonal nature of many businesses, this adjustment is applied dynamically throughout the year.

The Rings Scenic Tours experience has been adjusted for 200 days. Adjustments are according to the following table.

Days Adjustment
197 -4.05%
198 -4.07%
199 -4.09%
200 -4.11%
201 -4.13%
202 -4.15%
203 -4.17%

Balancing Adjustment

3.23% Adjustment

Every experience's review score is adjusted to balance out the disproportional number of negative reviews that are contributed.

You won't be surprised to learn that disgruntled customers are more likely to leave a review than happy ones. They are motivated to share their experience and warn others. We consider this a good thing and it's why reading the reviews is important. However we've learned it can misrepresent the experience in a more overall sense.

We apply a balancing adjustment to counteract this effect and ensure the ranking score is a more fair representation of the experience. This adjustment is applied equally to all experiences.

Final Ranking Score


The final ranking score once any adjustments, ratings, and rounding has been applied. This value is recalculated each day and a short rolling average is applied. Therefore it may not be precisely accurate based on the other values presented.