Hi, thanks for your interest in how we calculate an experience's ranking score. It's at the core of Rankers so I'm pleased you're curious.
The ranking score percentage is used to compare and sort experiences in ranking tables. It is not necessarily a direct measurement of the quality of a particular experience as rated by its customers. I've found it a useful tool to allow me to find the best experiences with confidence. But I've also found it important to read the customer reviews before making any final judgements!
We calculate an experience's ranking score using a multi-factor data model instead of a raw data average (mean). This model takes into account several important questions. For instance - is there a trusted body of reviews? What is the age of a review and is the review from a credible source?
Below you'll find details around some of the important factors that went into calculating the ranking score for Skyline Luge Queenstown.
If you have any questions or comments about our ranking score calculation please get in touch at info@rankers.co.nz. We don't believe this is perfect or complete so we're always interested in ways we might make improvements.
162 Valid Reviews
The Skyline Luge Queenstown experience has a total of 163 reviews. There are 162 valid reviews that are included when calculating the ranking score and 1 invalid review that are excluded from the calculation. Reviews can be excluded only when a reviewer is not verified or after an investigation by our team determines the reviewer is not genuine.
Below is the distribution of ratings for the 162 valid reviews:
Rating | Count | Percentage | |
10/10 | 39 |
24% |
9/10 | 47 |
29% |
8/10 | 40 |
25% |
7/10 | 23 |
14% |
6/10 | 9 |
6% |
5/10 | 3 |
2% |
4/10 | 1 |
1% |
3/10 | 0 |
0% |
2/10 | 0 |
0% |
1/10 | 0 |
0% |
84.38% Average
The raw data average (mean) for all the Skyline Luge Queenstown valid reviews is 84.38% and is based on 162 valid reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here as a comparison to the weighted average.
121 Face-to-Face Reviews
The Rankers team meets with travellers while they’re in New Zealand and conducts face-to-face surveys. These reviews, in our opinion, are the most trusted in the industry and represent a critical control sample. To our knowledge, we are the only travel review website in the world that has gone to this extent.
More about face-to-face reviews
Within the 162 valid reviews, the experience has 121 face-to-face reviews collected during interviews by our team.
Below is the distribution of ratings for the 121 face-to-face reviews:
Rating | Count | Percentage | |
10/10 | 25 |
21% |
9/10 | 35 |
29% |
8/10 | 32 |
26% |
7/10 | 18 |
15% |
6/10 | 8 |
7% |
5/10 | 2 |
2% |
4/10 | 1 |
1% |
3/10 | 0 |
0% |
2/10 | 0 |
0% |
1/10 | 0 |
0% |
83.39% Average
The raw data average (mean) for all the Skyline Luge Queenstown face-to-face reviews is 83.39% and is based on 121 face-to-face reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here for comparison purposes.
Rankers calculates a weighted mean as a base average on which we can improve. Individual review's ratings are given a weight based on several factors. The weight of a review determines the overall impact it'll have on the final weighted average.
Recent reviews have more weight as they are more relevant and reflect the experience as it currently operates. Over time reviews become less relevant and loose their impact on the ranking score.
Low rating reviews carry slightly less weight. This dampens the effect of very low ratings for every experience across the board. This is especially important when the experience has few reviews overall and a single negative rating can grossly mischaracterise an experience. Consistent poor reviews will still result in the experience receiving a comparitively low ranking score.
Credible sources provide reviews that can be trusted. If we have verified a reviewer is genuine via a face-to-face meeting then the review carries additional weight.
Reviewer | Rating | Age | Relative Weight |
Katrina | 5/10 | 2604 days | 77% |
Nicole and Timm | 10/10 | 2636 days | 100% |
Phil Baker | 8/10 | 2638 days | 98% |
Jessica and Henry | 9/10 | 2876 days | 85% |
Audeme Mechain | 9/10 | 2878 days | 85% |
C Clarke | 10/10 | 2900 days | 85% |
Alice Ormandy | 7/10 | 2922 days | 77% |
Chloe Olsen | 6/10 | 2925 days | 71% |
Natasha | 9/10 | 2952 days | 81% |
Barbara Knops | 8/10 | 2957 days | 80% |
Dries | 9/10 | 2958 days | 80% |
Rebecca Holmes | 6/10 | 2959 days | 70% |
Nathalie | 10/10 | 2962 days | 81% |
Hannah Phoenix | 9/10 | 2966 days | 80% |
Manu Liberta | 10/10 | 2967 days | 81% |
Yee How | 8/10 | 2975 days | 79% |
Nanda Dyke | 8/10 | 2983 days | 78% |
Austin Jurgensmeyer | 9/10 | 3006 days | 78% |
Niall Regan | 8/10 | 3014 days | 76% |
Dita Vasquez | 9/10 | 3027 days | 76% |
Chadd Holland | 10/10 | 3215 days | 66% |
Josh Legge | 8/10 | 3228 days | 64% |
Sonya Grimm | 9/10 | 3229 days | 65% |
Laura Schafer | 9/10 | 3262 days | 63% |
Remi Lopez | 7/10 | 3263 days | 59% |
David Tholander | 5/10 | 3263 days | 48% |
Melanie Kronbichler | 8/10 | 3274 days | 62% |
Lea Watterson | 9/10 | 3277 days | 62% |
Nicola Wiggan | 8/10 | 3317 days | 59% |
Vanessa | 9/10 | 3600 days | 43% |
Chris | 7/10 | 3600 days | 41% |
Sam Smith | 7/10 | 3610 days | 40% |
Ane Didriksen | 9/10 | 3941 days | 24% |
Iris Anette Berger | 9/10 | 3941 days | 24% |
Penny Lee | 8/10 | 3948 days | 23% |
Kiernan Matthew | 9/10 | 4002 days | 20% |
Paul Wallace | 8/10 | 4009 days | 20% |
Daniel Danamer | 9/10 | 4012 days | 20% |
Andrew Cattanach | 8/10 | 4034 days | 18% |
Pioter Jurkowski | 10/10 | 4034 days | 19% |
Rory Seaton | 7/10 | 4035 days | 17% |
Emeline Dupre | 7/10 | 4035 days | 17% |
Matthew H | 10/10 | 4187 days | 10% |
hendrik king | 8/10 | 4248 days | 6% |
Yves Vennewald | 7/10 | 4327 days | 1% |
Pia Pitkala | 8/10 | 4329 days | 1% |
Billy Koichopolos | 10/10 | 4333 days | 1% |
Gina Lisi | 10/10 | 4333 days | 1% |
Dave Mertzig | 6/10 | 4340 days | 0% |
Lorna and Seb | 5/10 | 4343 days | 0% |
Roeland Driessen | 9/10 | 4399 days | 28% |
Dagette | 10/10 | 4491 days | 28% |
Paul Kelly | 10/10 | 4521 days | 28% |
Esther Goh | 10/10 | 4644 days | 28% |
Steffien | 10/10 | 4674 days | 28% |
Jill Homewood | 8/10 | 4698 days | 28% |
Armin Boehmer | 7/10 | 4700 days | 26% |
Anne King | 8/10 | 4714 days | 28% |
Hayley Atkinson | 10/10 | 4716 days | 28% |
Melanie | 6/10 | 4717 days | 24% |
Seth & Carla | 10/10 | 4719 days | 28% |
ToGy | 8/10 | 4734 days | 28% |
J Bliss | 9/10 | 4796 days | 28% |
James McColl | 7/10 | 4826 days | 26% |
neilqecosse | 9/10 | 4887 days | 28% |
cruisysue | 7/10 | 4918 days | 26% |
Sam papworth | 10/10 | 5039 days | 28% |
Jon_and_Family | 10/10 | 5040 days | 28% |
Gronewold Harm-Dierchs | 9/10 | 5055 days | 28% |
Steve & Pearl Baker | 9/10 | 5061 days | 28% |
Victoria Boolsen | 9/10 | 5063 days | 28% |
Tanya & Florian | 10/10 | 5065 days | 28% |
taniadeanryanbrittany | 9/10 | 5071 days | 28% |
Katie Mitchell | 10/10 | 5071 days | 28% |
Lenore Dejong | 9/10 | 5073 days | 28% |
Caroline Sheridan | 7/10 | 5075 days | 26% |
Jacqueline Comer | 9/10 | 5078 days | 28% |
Lauren Pestell | 10/10 | 5078 days | 28% |
John | 8/10 | 5083 days | 28% |
Van den Borne | 8/10 | 5085 days | 28% |
Julia | 9/10 | 5091 days | 28% |
georgiarose89 | 7/10 | 5130 days | 26% |
Lyndell | 7/10 | 5161 days | 26% |
Jill | 9/10 | 5191 days | 28% |
Andrew Hammond | 10/10 | 5222 days | 28% |
thomas merrin | 10/10 | 5405 days | 28% |
Marcus Kippner | 8/10 | 5427 days | 28% |
John Bost | 8/10 | 5436 days | 28% |
Jann Clar | 9/10 | 5445 days | 28% |
Pete Hallam | 8/10 | 5463 days | 28% |
Samantha Piekuta | 8/10 | 5473 days | 28% |
Gracieb | 9/10 | 5495 days | 28% |
wenerz | 8/10 | 5511 days | 28% |
TomL | 8/10 | 5556 days | 28% |
eowyn2k | 9/10 | 5556 days | 28% |
rincoln | 8/10 | 5556 days | 28% |
paulandcathy | 9/10 | 5587 days | 28% |
ToryL | 6/10 | 5648 days | 24% |
jessica | 8/10 | 5691 days | 28% |
DustyLaptop | 8/10 | 5709 days | 28% |
gerrys | 8/10 | 5725 days | 28% |
Sofie | 9/10 | 5740 days | 28% |
Johnnie | 8/10 | 5751 days | 28% |
Sally477 | 9/10 | 5771 days | 28% |
kymberlyw | 10/10 | 5772 days | 28% |
Becca1 | 10/10 | 5772 days | 28% |
Andy Baker | 8/10 | 5790 days | 28% |
amyd | 8/10 | 5801 days | 28% |
RichardB1 | 9/10 | 5805 days | 28% |
RobH | 10/10 | 5806 days | 28% |
Theresa | 10/10 | 5807 days | 28% |
Brian | 8/10 | 5810 days | 28% |
Amanda Williams | 10/10 | 5811 days | 28% |
Kelly23 | 10/10 | 5849 days | 28% |
Ellen | 10/10 | 5884 days | 28% |
Laura | 9/10 | 5896 days | 28% |
Jess | 10/10 | 5896 days | 28% |
Peter | 8/10 | 5946 days | 28% |
Davina | 8/10 | 5946 days | 28% |
Jennie | 8/10 | 5977 days | 28% |
Spike | 10/10 | 5977 days | 28% |
Zoe Summers | 7/10 | 5982 days | 26% |
Annie Walsh | 6/10 | 5986 days | 24% |
Tsmith | 9/10 | 6013 days | 28% |
Charlie Bond | 9/10 | 6052 days | 28% |
Rhys Howell | 10/10 | 6112 days | 28% |
Ben | 10/10 | 6141 days | 28% |
Benjamin Throk | 8/10 | 6149 days | 28% |
Elizabeth Woodruff | 9/10 | 6150 days | 28% |
Jason Page | 7/10 | 6150 days | 26% |
Stuart Bartram | 9/10 | 6153 days | 28% |
Klaus Uhl | 6/10 | 6153 days | 24% |
Beixin Wang | 10/10 | 6156 days | 28% |
Neil | 10/10 | 6161 days | 28% |
Emily Houston | 7/10 | 6167 days | 26% |
Kenneth and Mette | 10/10 | 6170 days | 28% |
Lena1 | 9/10 | 6171 days | 28% |
Pauline Thai | 8/10 | 6189 days | 28% |
Bex | 9/10 | 6198 days | 28% |
Rebekah Holbrook | 8/10 | 6198 days | 28% |
Simon Chettleburgh | 7/10 | 6198 days | 26% |
Stephen Brightman | 7/10 | 6198 days | 26% |
Tim | 9/10 | 6210 days | 28% |
Hugh McCarthy | 7/10 | 6217 days | 26% |
Dave Simmons | 10/10 | 6245 days | 28% |
purplekat99 | 10/10 | 6257 days | 28% |
Wendy Williams | 7/10 | 6262 days | 26% |
Rene Schotvanger | 8/10 | 6372 days | 28% |
Julie | 7/10 | 6456 days | 26% |
Svenja | 9/10 | 6486 days | 28% |
Michael | 9/10 | 6488 days | 28% |
Adi | 10/10 | 6496 days | 28% |
Kate | 7/10 | 6496 days | 26% |
Raul | 9/10 | 6505 days | 28% |
Hanneke | 7/10 | 6514 days | 26% |
Jennifer | 9/10 | 6524 days | 28% |
Ian | 9/10 | 6524 days | 28% |
Pam | 4/10 | 6526 days | 18% |
Fabian | 8/10 | 6528 days | 28% |
Helle | 9/10 | 6535 days | 28% |
beesom | 6/10 | 6536 days | 24% |
Albert | 6/10 | 6553 days | 24% |
Several adjustments to the weighted average are added to improve relevancy and credibility. These adjustments apply equally to all experiences that meet the criteria.
No Adjustment
A reasonable number of reviews are necessary in order for the average to be credible and for an experience to take a prime position within the ranking tables. As such, experiences with only a few reviews have a moderated score. This does not mean that the experience or the reviews can't be trusted. The Skyline Luge Queenstown experience has plenty of reviews and does not meet the criteria for any adjustment.
-4.09% Adjustment
There may be an adjustment if this experience hasn't received any reviews within the last 46 days. However the Skyline Luge Queenstown experience does not meet the criteria for any adjustment.
In addition, an experience's ranking score may be adjusted for each day there is no new ranking. After 1 day the adjustment comes into effect. The maximum number of days that can be adjusted for is 200 days. Due to the seasonal nature of many businesses, this adjustment is applied dynamically throughout the year.
The Skyline Luge Queenstown experience has been adjusted for 200 days. Adjustments are according to the following table.
Days | Adjustment |
… | … |
197 | -4.03% |
198 | -4.05% |
199 | -4.07% |
200 | -4.09% |
201 | -4.11% |
202 | -4.13% |
203 | -4.15% |
… | … |
2.82% Adjustment
Every experience's review score is adjusted to balance out the disproportional number of negative reviews that are contributed.
You won't be surprised to learn that disgruntled customers are more likely to leave a review than happy ones. They are motivated to share their experience and warn others. We consider this a good thing and it's why reading the reviews is important. However we've learned it can misrepresent the experience in a more overall sense.
We apply a balancing adjustment to counteract this effect and ensure the ranking score is a more fair representation of the experience. This adjustment is applied equally to all experiences.
The final ranking score once any adjustments, ratings, and rounding has been applied. This value is recalculated each day and a short rolling average is applied. Therefore it may not be precisely accurate based on the other values presented.