Ranking Score Explained

Hi, thanks for your interest in how we calculate an experience's ranking score. It's at the core of Rankers so I'm pleased you're curious.

The ranking score percentage is used to compare and sort experiences in ranking tables. It is not necessarily a direct measurement of the quality of a particular experience as rated by its customers. I've found it a useful tool to allow me to find the best experiences with confidence. But I've also found it important to read the customer reviews before making any final judgements!

We calculate an experience's ranking score using a multi-factor data model instead of a raw data average (mean). This model takes into account several important questions. For instance - is there a trusted body of reviews? What is the age of a review and is the review from a credible source?

Below you'll find details around some of the important factors that went into calculating the ranking score for Affordable Motor Home Rentals.

If you have any questions or comments about our ranking score calculation please get in touch at info@rankers.co.nz. We don't believe this is perfect or complete so we're always interested in ways we might make improvements.

Cymen Crick's avatar

Cymen Crick

Rankers Owner

Affordable Motor Home Rentals

Valid Reviews

300 Valid Reviews

The Affordable Motor Home Rentals experience has a total of 305 reviews. There are 300 valid reviews that are included when calculating the ranking score and 5 invalid reviews that are excluded from the calculation. Reviews can be excluded only when a reviewer is not verified or after an investigation by our team determines the reviewer is not genuine.

Below is the distribution of ratings for the 300 valid reviews:

Rating Count Percentage
10/10 205
9/10 62
8/10 17
7/10 8
6/10 3
5/10 0
4/10 1
3/10 1
2/10 2
1/10 1

94.33% Average

The raw data average (mean) for all the Affordable Motor Home Rentals valid reviews is 94.33% and is based on 300 valid reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here as a comparison to the weighted average.

Face-to-Face Reviews

22 Face-to-Face Reviews

The Rankers team meets with travellers while they’re in New Zealand and conducts face-to-face surveys. These reviews, in our opinion, are the most trusted in the industry and represent a critical control sample. To our knowledge, we are the only travel review website in the world that has gone to this extent.

More about face-to-face reviews

Within the 300 valid reviews, the experience has 22 face-to-face reviews collected during interviews by our team.

Below is the distribution of ratings for the 22 face-to-face reviews:

Rating Count Percentage
10/10 7
9/10 6
8/10 6
7/10 3
6/10 0
5/10 0
4/10 0
3/10 0
2/10 0
1/10 0

87.73% Average

The raw data average (mean) for all the Affordable Motor Home Rentals face-to-face reviews is 87.73% and is based on 22 face-to-face reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here for comparison purposes.

Weighted Average


Rankers calculates a weighted mean as a base average on which we can improve. Individual review's ratings are given a weight based on several factors. The weight of a review determines the overall impact it'll have on the final weighted average.

Recent reviews have more weight as they are more relevant and reflect the experience as it currently operates. Over time reviews become less relevant and loose their impact on the ranking score.

Low rating reviews carry slightly less weight. This dampens the effect of very low ratings for every experience across the board. This is especially important when the experience has few reviews overall and a single negative rating can grossly mischaracterise an experience. Consistent poor reviews will still result in the experience receiving a comparitively low ranking score.

Credible sources provide reviews that can be trusted. If we have verified a reviewer is genuine via a face-to-face meeting then the review carries additional weight.

Reviewer Rating Age Relative Weight
Pam 10/10 1413 days 100%
C & A Betts 10/10 1441 days 91%
Joy 10/10 1626 days 49%
Julie Ng 10/10 1626 days 49%
David Jones 10/10 1657 days 44%
Leandro Haedo 10/10 1657 days 44%
Amanda Lawson 10/10 1657 days 44%
Ken Clearwater 10/10 1657 days 44%
Jennifer Bixby 10/10 1778 days 34%
Michiel Jelijs 10/10 1779 days 34%
Jamie Carey 10/10 1779 days 34%
Robert Schwall 10/10 1779 days 34%
Nicky Bromhall 9/10 1807 days 33%
Timthang 9/10 1807 days 33%
Pastore pierrick 9/10 1838 days 32%
Chiara Rossi 9/10 1838 days 32%
Chiara Rossi 9/10 1838 days 32%
Mike Bromfield 9/10 1838 days 32%
Daniel Lamere 10/10 1839 days 33%
NICHOLAS JEUNE 10/10 1839 days 33%
Matthias Van de veire 9/10 1839 days 32%
neil dougall 10/10 1839 days 33%
Tracey Armstrong 9/10 1839 days 32%
Maria Sainis 10/10 1839 days 33%
Christine Wegener 10/10 1869 days 32%
Olli Jääsaari 9/10 1869 days 32%
JACKIE EHRHARDT 10/10 1870 days 32%
Mandy Chee 6/10 1899 days 27%
lainie epstein 8/10 1899 days 31%
John van Herk 10/10 1899 days 32%
Bernard 9/10 1900 days 31%
Paul Russell 10/10 1930 days 31%
Sara Jensen 10/10 1930 days 31%
Stella Wilson 10/10 1930 days 31%
Dennis Rijbroek 9/10 1960 days 31%
Linda Gallagher 10/10 1961 days 31%
Marco Moreira 9/10 1991 days 30%
Happy camper 10/10 1992 days 31%
Jan Grävemeyer 9/10 2022 days 30%
Graça Roquette 10/10 2053 days 30%
Danny Mao 10/10 2053 days 30%
Chloe Bullock 10/10 2053 days 30%
Kate Tipton 10/10 2083 days 29%
Savilla Manuel 10/10 2084 days 29%
Olivier Gergaud 10/10 2113 days 29%
sheena tan 8/10 2114 days 28%
Christine Pooley 10/10 2114 days 29%
Alisa Failor 10/10 2114 days 29%
Aimee Spevak 10/10 2144 days 29%
Winston Bell 10/10 2144 days 29%
Irene Weinkogl 8/10 2144 days 28%
Cory 10/10 2145 days 28%
Tony O’Neill 9/10 2145 days 28%
Jim Lundy and Sherryl Livingston 10/10 2145 days 28%
paul engerand 10/10 2145 days 28%
Paul Smith 10/10 2145 days 28%
Tobias Geiger 8/10 2172 days 28%
Pierre Lemaistre 9/10 2172 days 28%
Melanie Berger 8/10 2172 days 28%
Georges BOUDIN 9/10 2172 days 28%
Tami Bass 10/10 2172 days 28%
Jonathan Taverner 10/10 2172 days 28%
Joanne Enders 10/10 2173 days 28%
Theo Stockmann 10/10 2173 days 28%
agnes janszen 10/10 2203 days 28%
Claire Cherrington 10/10 2203 days 28%
Maria van Loon 10/10 2203 days 28%
Jackie Sue 10/10 2204 days 28%
Alexandra Brown 10/10 2204 days 28%
Paolo Mauro 10/10 2204 days 28%
Matthew Parkman 10/10 2204 days 28%
Tom 10/10 2204 days 28%
Timothy McFadden 10/10 2234 days 27%
Jan Hoffmann 10/10 2234 days 27%
aneta thomsen 8/10 2234 days 27%
Xavier Bracquart 9/10 2234 days 27%
NZroadtrippers 10/10 2235 days 27%
Annabel Mason 10/10 2235 days 27%
Oz and Tina 10/10 2235 days 27%
t h 10/10 2235 days 27%
Claire 10/10 2235 days 27%
Cindy 10/10 2235 days 27%
Sharon Burgess 10/10 2264 days 27%
Boris Leroy 9/10 2264 days 27%
John Wells 10/10 2264 days 27%
javier garcia 9/10 2264 days 27%
Rosanna Nolan 10/10 2264 days 27%
Omid Shahani 10/10 2264 days 27%
Thierry GACHES 9/10 2265 days 27%
Steve Mitchell 9/10 2265 days 27%
Dallas Cluff 10/10 2265 days 27%
Mustaqeem 10/10 2265 days 27%
Diogo Loureiro 10/10 2265 days 27%
Thibaut Drevet 10/10 2265 days 27%
Jude Ong 10/10 2295 days 26%
Todd Weibel 3/10 2296 days 14%
Andrew Brealey 10/10 2296 days 26%
Edward Lowe 10/10 2296 days 26%
Georgia Nery 10/10 2325 days 26%
Kelli Rumore 10/10 2325 days 26%
Kristy 10/10 2326 days 26%
Gillian Hancock 10/10 2326 days 26%
Nichola Stretch 10/10 2356 days 26%
Loh 10/10 2357 days 26%
Vivien Soh 10/10 2357 days 26%
Melissa Hsu 10/10 2388 days 25%
Nicolas Mollet 10/10 2448 days 24%
Jess Ballard 10/10 2448 days 24%
Steve Wilkinson 10/10 2449 days 24%
Jack 10/10 2449 days 24%
Karyn Rayner 9/10 2478 days 24%
Julie Crawshaw 9/10 2478 days 24%
Debbie Wight 9/10 2478 days 24%
David Elliott 10/10 2479 days 24%
Donna Green 10/10 2479 days 24%
anaisbitt@live.com 10/10 2479 days 24%
Jarrod Pudsey 10/10 2479 days 24%
Tabea 10/10 2479 days 24%
Gabriel Santos 10/10 2479 days 24%
Dan Parker 4/10 2509 days 15%
Greg Parry 10/10 2509 days 24%
Laura Porter 10/10 2509 days 24%
Jesper Christensen 10/10 2509 days 24%
Anna Leonard 10/10 2510 days 24%
Ruben Roa Hernandez 9/10 2510 days 23%
Rory Baynes 10/10 2537 days 23%
Sally Irving 10/10 2537 days 23%
jason bassett 10/10 2537 days 23%
Chris Blackwell 9/10 2538 days 23%
Rachelle Philippen 9/10 2538 days 23%
Gordon Hughes 9/10 2568 days 23%
Henk Siegers 7/10 2568 days 21%
Johannes Partheymueller 10/10 2568 days 23%
Emily Freistatter 9/10 2568 days 23%
Pierre Mangin 9/10 2568 days 23%
Nz Traveller 10/10 2568 days 23%
Andy Grayshon 10/10 2568 days 23%
Rozanna Kyle-Robinson 10/10 2568 days 23%
Don Rostedt 9/10 2568 days 23%
martin shale 10/10 2568 days 23%
Mick Havill 10/10 2599 days 22%
Nicole Long 7/10 2599 days 21%
Lindsay Baugh 10/10 2599 days 22%
Pete Halsall 10/10 2599 days 22%
Anika Lakhani 10/10 2599 days 22%
Marjeta Kuralt 10/10 2599 days 22%
Michael Thomas Hermawan 10/10 2629 days 22%
Chris Oberson 10/10 2629 days 22%
Wilson Ting 9/10 2629 days 22%
NOR HISHAM HAJI ALI 10/10 2660 days 22%
Faustino Merlo 9/10 2660 days 21%
Anya Staal 10/10 2660 days 22%
Alan Bannister 10/10 2660 days 22%
Scott Wallis 8/10 2660 days 21%
Ed Shaddick 10/10 2690 days 21%
Rick Hall 10/10 2690 days 21%
Vanessa Paran 10/10 2690 days 21%
Che Junaid Mayet 10/10 2690 days 21%
Happy camper 10/10 2721 days 21%
meghan cuming 10/10 2721 days 21%
Viki Withers 10/10 2752 days 20%
Paul Thompson 10/10 2782 days 20%
Carl Murray 2/10 2813 days 8%
Jared Sartee 10/10 2843 days 19%
Shardul Phadnis 6/10 2843 days 16%
Judy Lawlor 10/10 2843 days 19%
Craig Mckay 9/10 2843 days 19%
Tracy Mering Stephen Law 9/10 2843 days 19%
Dennis Andrews 10/10 2843 days 19%
Nick Borland 10/10 2843 days 19%
Sjoerd Tolsma 9/10 2853 days 10%
Craig McKay 10/10 2863 days 11%
Rosalind Russell 9/10 2874 days 18%
Michal Snehota 10/10 2874 days 19%
murray keig 10/10 2874 days 19%
C Clarke 8/10 2896 days 10%
Clare Yeh 10/10 2902 days 18%
Cadey Korson 9/10 2902 days 18%
Matthew Parkman 10/10 2902 days 18%
Lynn Newhouse 10/10 2902 days 18%
Judy Little 10/10 2902 days 18%
Alice Ormandy 9/10 2918 days 10%
David Tomlinson 10/10 2933 days 18%
John Malone 8/10 2933 days 17%
Marcello Rossini 9/10 2933 days 18%
Leonie Westerhot 10/10 2951 days 10%
Jesse Arthur 10/10 2964 days 17%
Julie Manchester 10/10 2964 days 17%
Carine Av 10/10 2994 days 17%
hans soerensen 10/10 2994 days 17%
Jude Ong 10/10 2994 days 17%
liwen chan 10/10 2994 days 17%
Dalila Mohammed Isa 8/10 2994 days 17%
Wayne Fisher 9/10 2994 days 17%
Gary Ong 1/10 3025 days 6%
Tanya Davies 9/10 3025 days 16%
Heather D 10/10 3055 days 16%
Chea Hao Wong 10/10 3055 days 16%
Ashleigh McCord 9/10 3055 days 16%
Russel Brewty 9/10 3086 days 16%
Pieter Jacobs 10/10 3086 days 16%
Franck Mazas 9/10 3086 days 16%
Matt Tsagopoulos 10/10 3086 days 16%
Kuldeep Nandurkar 10/10 3117 days 15%
weeping ng 10/10 3147 days 15%
Brent Grohman 10/10 3178 days 14%
Ainsley Farrell 10/10 3178 days 14%
Anne Coleman 10/10 3178 days 14%
Casey Blyth 10/10 3208 days 14%
Sim 10/10 3208 days 14%
Lisa Lomas 10/10 3208 days 14%
Amber Jordan 9/10 3208 days 14%
Maarten Simons 8/10 3219 days 7%
Jenny Young 10/10 3229 days 8%
Bob van Hest 10/10 3239 days 14%
Maike Santelmann 8/10 3258 days 7%
Hakim Naj 9/10 3268 days 13%
costa 9/10 3268 days 13%
haslina mohamad 10/10 3269 days 13%
delphine 7/10 3269 days 12%
Damien Brocklejhurst 9/10 3269 days 13%
Chris Simpson 10/10 3290 days 7%
Martin S 10/10 3299 days 13%
Douglas Pinn 10/10 3299 days 13%
Alison Firth 10/10 3300 days 13%
Ben Chong 9/10 3330 days 12%
Konstantinos Parsalidis 10/10 3330 days 12%
Silke Richter 10/10 3331 days 12%
Mónica García 10/10 3361 days 12%
streviews 10/10 3391 days 12%
Lynne Cornish 10/10 3392 days 12%
thomas boutard 10/10 3453 days 11%
Marianne Smith 10/10 3483 days 10%
Melinda McNamara 9/10 3483 days 10%
M E Black 10/10 3513 days 10%
michellehendriks5 10/10 3513 days 10%
Brendan Collins 10/10 3544 days 10%
Adam Munro 10/10 3574 days 9%
Angela Yore 10/10 3574 days 9%
Emma Keegan 6/10 3574 days 8%
Andy Biggins 8/10 3605 days 8%
P Kolk 10/10 3605 days 9%
Dimitri Jacobs 10/10 3633 days 8%
Thomas Sartorius 10/10 3633 days 8%
Jane Curren 10/10 3633 days 8%
Morgan Thomas 10/10 3695 days 7%
Autocaravanista 10/10 3725 days 7%
M Bailey 10/10 3756 days 7%
Dustin Strong 10/10 3786 days 6%
Daniel Field 10/10 3818 days 6%
Nuria Rivas 10/10 3849 days 5%
Ash K 10/10 3879 days 5%
ashbyg 10/10 3910 days 5%
Andrei Kuek 10/10 3910 days 5%
Wilma Heij 9/10 3940 days 4%
Mark McCadden 10/10 3940 days 4%
Chris Jackson 10/10 3940 days 4%
Vince V. 10/10 3940 days 4%
Nicholas Chapman 10/10 3940 days 4%
Thomas Chacko 10/10 3971 days 4%
Linda Simpson 9/10 3971 days 4%
Tim 9/10 3999 days 3%
Eran Israel 10/10 3999 days 3%
Filip Goles 10/10 4030 days 3%
Johan Hereora Hummerhielm 2/10 4030 days 0%
JoMary Smith 7/10 4030 days 3%
Christine Jepp 10/10 4030 days 3%
Simon Fayers 10/10 4061 days 2%
Dutchie 9/10 4061 days 2%
Peter Krivanek 10/10 4061 days 2%
Anne Beveridge 9/10 4091 days 2%
John 10/10 4091 days 2%
Michael M 10/10 4152 days 1%
marianne van eykelenborg 10/10 4152 days 1%
Paul Molloy 10/10 4152 days 1%
Poko Tapurau 10/10 4183 days 1%
Brent Gowan 10/10 4244 days 0%
Mirza 8/10 4395 days 5%
Ann 10/10 4395 days 5%
Jonathan Falgren 10/10 4395 days 5%
Philip Dickie 10/10 4669 days 5%
DavidB 7/10 4701 days 5%
Alan Findlay 9/10 4716 days 2%
Whistlerdewd 10/10 4730 days 5%
Dexter 10/10 5006 days 5%
G Elliason 7/10 5081 days 2%
paris claire 10/10 5082 days 2%
Ron 9/10 5187 days 5%
Bob Kusesia 10/10 5433 days 2%
Ian Watson 10/10 5433 days 2%
M and H Lunn 8/10 5441 days 2%
David Hobson 8/10 5452 days 2%
Carina Raeder 9/10 5458 days 2%
Hans & Karin 7/10 5526 days 2%
andrew walmsley 10/10 5736 days 5%
MiepS 9/10 5754 days 2%
Ning Chan 9/10 5766 days 5%
LindaV 8/10 5800 days 2%
Oscar 7/10 6146 days 2%
Peter 9/10 6548 days 2%


Several adjustments to the weighted average are added to improve relevancy and credibility. These adjustments apply equally to all experiences that meet the criteria.

Sample Size Adjustment

No Adjustment

A reasonable number of reviews are necessary in order for the average to be credible and for an experience to take a prime position within the ranking tables. As such, experiences with only a few reviews have a moderated score. This does not mean that the experience or the reviews can't be trusted. The Affordable Motor Home Rentals experience has plenty of reviews and does not meet the criteria for any adjustment.

Recent Reviews Adjustment

-7.07% Adjustment

Recent reviews reflect the experience as it currently operates. This means it's important to get fresh reviews. Some experiences discovered they could get a few good reviews and then, resting on their laurels, discourage any further reviews. This adjustment stimulates experiences to be positively involved in the review generating process and discourages them from manipulating the ranking system in this manner.

What constitutes a recent review is based on the how old it is, what type of experience it is applied to and and what time of year it currently is. Due to the seasonal nature of many businesses, what is considered recent is dynamically adjusted throughout the year.

There may be an adjustment if this experience hasn't received enough reviews within the last 45 days. The Affordable Motor Home Rentals experience has 0 recent rankings. Adjustments are according to the following table:

Recent Reviews Adjustment
0 -3.00%
1 -2.63%
2 -1.50%
3 -0.38%
4 -0.00%

In addition, an experience's ranking score may be adjusted for each day there is no new ranking. After 1 day the adjustment comes into effect. The maximum number of days that can be adjusted for is 200 days. Due to the seasonal nature of many businesses, this adjustment is applied dynamically throughout the year.

The Affordable Motor Home Rentals experience has been adjusted for 200 days. Adjustments are according to the following table.

Days Adjustment
197 -4.01%
198 -4.03%
199 -4.05%
200 -4.07%
201 -4.09%
202 -4.11%
203 -4.13%

Balancing Adjustment

1.20% Adjustment

Every experience's review score is adjusted to balance out the disproportional number of negative reviews that are contributed.

You won't be surprised to learn that disgruntled customers are more likely to leave a review than happy ones. They are motivated to share their experience and warn others. We consider this a good thing and it's why reading the reviews is important. However we've learned it can misrepresent the experience in a more overall sense.

We apply a balancing adjustment to counteract this effect and ensure the ranking score is a more fair representation of the experience. This adjustment is applied equally to all experiences.

Onboarding Rating

This rating is about customer service and camper availability. It measures aspects of the customer journey that are often missing from online ratings. It includes performances based on: pre-booking communication, product availability and responsiveness to customer enquiries.

All metrics come from actual customer interactions.

Details are calculated daily from statistics over several years and merged with the score derived from customer reviews - to then form the final ranking score.

Final Ranking Score


The final ranking score once any adjustments, ratings, and rounding has been applied. This value is recalculated each day and a short rolling average is applied. Therefore it may not be precisely accurate based on the other values presented.