Example Holiday Park

Kia ora, It's Cymen here. Rankers owner and 30 years in NZ tourism.

Most of the time I don’t know where my car keys and wallet are. But for some reason I can understand stats and bookings.

There’s a good amount of stats to take in here. I’m going to pop up as we go, to explain each part of the booking funnel.

Cymen Crick's avatar


Statistics Report

Aug 2022 - Apr 2023

Rankers periodically delivers performance data and analysis for your business on our platforms. This report covers the two hundred seventy three days from Mon 01 Aug, 2022 to Sun 30 Apr, 2023.

Customer Flow

Example Holiday Park

Return on investment


The costs for during this report's period were $646.60 (incl GST). With an estimated income of $5,255.30 your return on investment is 713%.

Please see the sections below for details on how these numbers are calculated.

Aug 2022 - Apr 2023


Company Interactions


Estimated Bookings


Estimated Profit

We reach international travellers before they arrive in NZ.

Most do their planning well in advance using our tools.

Our platforms are promoted by these companies.

Cymen Crick's avatar


Customer Entry Points

Example Holiday Park may be featured on a wide range of Rankers apps and websites.

  • Any_x192



  • Any_x192


    Special Local Organic NZ Travel Map

  • Any_x192


    Deep Nature Travel Map

  • Any_x192


    Goin' Local Travel Map

  • Any_x192


    Tairāwhiti Travel Map

  • Any_x192


    Camping NZ Travel Map

  • Any_x192


    McRent Travel Map

  • Any_x192


    Escape Travel Map

  • Any_x192


    Omega Travel Map

  • Any_x192


    Jucy Travel Map

  • Blank

    + 11 More

We're seeing over half a million active users each year! There's a heap of planning going on out there.

Just over a third of our users are overseas and planning their trip in advance. The remaining two-thirds are within the country and are making a plan for their next excursion.

Cymen Crick's avatar


Engaged Audience

The Camping NZ mobile app maintains a combined engagement time of over thirty minutes per user.

  • Global Reach
  • Local Visitors
  • Well Aged
Country Active Users Engagement Time Percentage
All other countries
58K 10 minutes 30.5%
47K 21 minutes 24.7%
United States
25K 30 minutes 12.9%
United Kingdom
23K 32 minutes 11.8%
13K 17 minutes 7.1%
9K 29 minutes 4.9%
8K 21 minutes 4.1%
7K 30 minutes 3.9%
Total 190K 24 minutes 100.0%
Country Active Users Engagement Time Percentage
263K 21 minutes 46.1%
107K 23 minutes 18.8%
All other regions
57K 6 minutes 10.1%
56K 14 minutes 9.7%
31K 12 minutes 5.4%
23K 12 minutes 4.1%
Bay of Plenty
21K 12 minutes 3.6%
12K 11 minutes 2.1%
Total 570K 14 minutes 100.0%
Age Bracket Percentage
Aged 65+
Aged 55-64
Aged 45-54
Aged 35-44
Aged 25-34
Aged 18-24
Total 100.0%

There’s a big number at the top of this funnel. All this customer interest is great, but at the end of the day, it’s the bookings that matter.

We’ve explained each part here, but there's heaps that goes into increasing the bookings. I’m more than happy to have a 2 way convo, to help increase it.

Cymen Crick's avatar


Company Interactions

On each Rankers platform Example Holiday Park may be viewed and interacted with by potential customers.

Example Holiday Park

Interaction Type Events
Map Marker Selections 

Map Marker Selections

A user has selected the experience's marker on a map. Selecting a map marker displays core information related to the experience, along with a call-to-action to get further details.

9268 53.8%
Profile Views 

Profile Views

A user has viewed the experience's profile. A experience's profile displays all the information and details related to the experience, along with any relevant call-to-action buttons/links.

5191 30.1%
Booking Investigations 

Booking Investigations

A user has taken actions that indicate an intent to make a booking or check availability.

1519 8.8%
Listing Views 

Listing Views

A user has viewed the experience's listing within a group of other related experiences. An experience's listing displays core information and call-to-action buttons/links.

1264 7.3%
Total 17242 100%

Now we’re at the end of the funnel. The booking bit that really matters.

We know the number of potential customer's we've sent to each booking avenue. Of course not all those customers will result in a sale.

Our estimated sales are based on industry booking data. Your actual number should be in line with this. If it looks off then get in touch so we can get your conversions spot on.

Cymen Crick's avatar


Customer Bookings


Customer leads translate to sales based on conversion percentages for each booking avenue.

Example Holiday Park

Booking Avenue Open Leads Conversion Bookings
Booking Engine 

Booking Engine Click-thrus

Customers are directed to the company's realtime booking system.

This booking avenue is not currently open. This means that customer's will not be presented with the option to contact you via this method.

- 798 8.60%

Booking Engine Conversion Rate

The estimated conversion rate for customers that are directed to a company's realtime booking system.

Booking Engine Conversion Rate 8.60%

What is a conversion rate?

Within this context, a conversion rate refers to the percentage of potential customers who complete a desired action, such as making a booking or reservation, after being directed to your booking system from a Rankers platform.

For example, if 1,000 potential customers are redirected from Rankers to your booking engine, and 50 of those customers make a booking, the conversion rate would be 5%.

This metric is important for measuring the effectiveness of your marketing, optimizing the booking process, and evaluating the overall performance of your partnership with Rankers.

How is your conversion rate calculated?

Estimating your company's conversion rate is crucial to calculating income and return on investment.

Rankers can deliver potential customers to your booking system, however we don't know how many of them will successfully complete a booking. Without this knowledge we can't precisely calculate a conversion rate for Example Holiday Park.

All is not lost though! We can lean on industry data to estimate a conversion rate with some confidence and provide you with accurate enough data for decision making.

Rankers is able to collate precise conversion rate data from a bunch of holidays parks across the country. In these cases we know exactly how many potential customer's were sent to the booking engine and how many of those leads resulted in an actual booking. From this we can calculate the conversion rate for each holiday park and therefore the average conversion rate across these sample holiday parks.

For this sample data, the booking engine is a third party system (not Rankers) and we have very limited control over the booking process and therefore no ability to optimize the conversion rate. In most cases, we expect, when customers are sent to your own booking engine you will have a higher conversion rate.

This data was collected over a period of several months during the shoulder season of 2023. Actual holiday park names have not been revealed to protect sensitive business data.

Given the small sample size this conversion rate has a high margin of error, that being said, we feel it's an accurate enough value for estimating income and for your decision making. If you have real world data for your own booking system then we'd be happy to work with you to fine tune your conversion rate specifically for your operation.

Holiday Park Conversion Rate
Wellington Region Holiday Park 9.84%
Southland Camping Ground 13.58%
Bay of Plenty Camping Ground 5.56%
Northland Holiday Park 6.67%
Canterbury Holiday Park 4.29%
Taranaki Camping Ground 4.76%
Bay of Plenty Camping Ground 8.46%
Ruapehu Campground 8.82%
Canterbury Campground 9.38%
Marlborough Camping Ground 13.89%
West Coast Campground 11.71%
Rotorua Region Campground 5.04%
Marlborough Campground 6.15%
Nelson Region Holiday Park 11.43%
Rotorua Region Campground 11.51%
Canterbury Campground 5.09%
Mount Cook - MacKenzie Camping Ground 11.50%
Fiordland Camping Ground 12.31%
Taupo Region Camping Ground 4.74%
Queenstown Region Campground 7.00%
Average Conversion Rate 8.59%
68.63 89.4%

Email Enquiries

Potential customer's fill in a form with relevant booking details and their request is delivered via email.

This booking avenue is not currently open. This means that customer's will not be presented with the option to contact you via this method.

- 79 10.00%
7.9 10.3%

Website Click-thrus

Visitors are delivered to the company's website.

This booking avenue is not currently open. This means that customer's will not be presented with the option to contact you via this method.

- 5 5.00%
0.25 0.3%
Total 882 76.78 100%

We’ve estimated your average booking value based on your pricing and industry data.

If this isn’t correct, let me know and we’ll update it.

Cymen Crick's avatar


Average Booking Value


The value of each individual booking is calculated at NZ$68.45. This booking value is based on industry standard metrics from the Accommodation Data Program.

Booking Value 

Estimated Booking Value

The estimated dollar spend of an average booking.

Based on data from ADP.

Individual Spend

Customer Spend Per Night

The average spend in NZ dollars for each individual customer. This amount is per night. This estimate is based on surveying the pricing of similar businesses.

Group Size

Number of Customers Per Night

The average number of customers in a booking for each night.


Nights Per Booking

The average number of nights per booking.

Total Spend NZ$68.45

How do we understand this number?

It's based on what's shown in the funnel. It shows the money you've paid to us with the money that's gone into your bank account.

This shows your return on investment. At the end of the day, that's what matters.

Cymen Crick's avatar


August 2022 - April 2023 Income


Period income of $5,255.30 is based on estimated number of bookings and the average customer spend.

Balance Sheet

Dollar values are GST inclusive

Estimated Income

Estimated Income

During the period, Example Holiday Park received an estimated 76.778 bookings, each valued at NZ$68.45.

…from 76.78 bookings NZ$5,255.30
Period Expenses

Period Expenses

During the period, expenses of NZ$646.60 (incl GST) are incurred for .

Profit or Loss NZ$4,608.70

Return on investment
