Kia ora, thanks for your interest in how we calculate an experience's ranking score. It's at the core of Rankers so I'm pleased you're curious.
The ranking score percentage is used to compare and sort experiences in ranking tables. It is not necessarily a direct measurement of the quality of a particular experience as rated by its customers. I've found it a useful tool to allow me to find the best experiences with confidence. But I've also found it important to read the customer reviews before making any final judgements!
We calculate an experience's ranking score using a multi-factor data model instead of a raw data average (mean). This model takes into account several important questions. For instance - is there a trusted body of reviews? What is the age of a review and is the review from a credible source?
Below you'll find details around some of the important factors that went into calculating the ranking score for Hipapatua / Reid's Farm Recreation Reserve Free Campsite.
If you have any questions or comments about our ranking score calculation please get in touch at We don't believe this is perfect or complete so we're always interested in ways we might make improvements.
268 Valid Reviews
The Hipapatua / Reid's Farm Recreation Reserve Free Campsite experience has a total of 280 reviews. There are 268 valid reviews that are included when calculating the ranking score and 12 invalid reviews that are excluded from the calculation. Reviews can be excluded only when a reviewer is not verified or after an investigation by our team determines the reviewer is not genuine.
Below is the distribution of ratings for the 268 valid reviews:
Rating | Count | Percentage | |
10/10 | 48 |
18% |
9/10 | 56 |
21% |
8/10 | 54 |
20% |
7/10 | 38 |
14% |
6/10 | 33 |
12% |
5/10 | 13 |
5% |
4/10 | 5 |
2% |
3/10 | 6 |
2% |
2/10 | 7 |
3% |
1/10 | 8 |
3% |
74.81% Average
The raw data average (mean) for all the Hipapatua / Reid's Farm Recreation Reserve Free Campsite valid reviews is 74.81% and is based on 268 valid reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here as a comparison to the weighted average.
130 Face-to-Face Reviews
The Rankers team meets with travellers while they’re in New Zealand and conducts face-to-face surveys. These reviews, in our opinion, are the most trusted in the industry and represent a critical control sample. To our knowledge, we are the only travel review website in the world that has gone to this extent.
More about face-to-face reviews
Within the 268 valid reviews, the experience has 130 face-to-face reviews collected during interviews by our team.
Below is the distribution of ratings for the 130 face-to-face reviews:
Rating | Count | Percentage | |
10/10 | 31 |
24% |
9/10 | 34 |
26% |
8/10 | 30 |
23% |
7/10 | 17 |
13% |
6/10 | 10 |
8% |
5/10 | 4 |
3% |
4/10 | 2 |
2% |
3/10 | 1 |
1% |
2/10 | 1 |
1% |
1/10 | 0 |
0% |
82.15% Average
The raw data average (mean) for all the Hipapatua / Reid's Farm Recreation Reserve Free Campsite face-to-face reviews is 82.15% and is based on 130 face-to-face reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here for comparison purposes.
Rankers calculates a weighted mean as a base average on which we can improve. Individual review's ratings are given a weight based on several factors. The weight of a review determines the overall impact it'll have on the final weighted average.
Recent reviews have more weight as they are more relevant and reflect the experience as it currently operates. Over time reviews become less relevant and loose their impact on the ranking score.
Low rating reviews carry slightly less weight. This dampens the effect of very low ratings for every experience across the board. This is especially important when the experience has few reviews overall and a single negative rating can grossly mischaracterise an experience. Consistent poor reviews will still result in the experience receiving a comparitively low ranking score.
Credible sources provide reviews that can be trusted. If we have verified a reviewer is genuine via a face-to-face meeting then the review carries additional weight.
Reviewer | Rating | Age | Relative Weight |
Ike | 6/10 | 51 days | 87% |
Paige | 2/10 | 51 days | 46% |
Amanda | 9/10 | 51 days | 100% |
PJ | 5/10 | 81 days | 77% |
AJC | 4/10 | 204 days | 65% |
Calle | 5/10 | 204 days | 75% |
Tīwai | 6/10 | 204 days | 85% |
Mel. | 8/10 | 295 days | 94% |
Jan | 9/10 | 417 days | 90% |
John | 7/10 | 417 days | 85% |
John | 7/10 | 417 days | 85% |
Jennifer Jarvis | 3/10 | 417 days | 50% |
Mika | 7/10 | 447 days | 83% |
Nane | 6/10 | 478 days | 76% |
Emily Johnson | 7/10 | 539 days | 79% |
Sarah | 8/10 | 539 days | 83% |
R Van Pelt | 1/10 | 570 days | 33% |
Hollie | 8/10 | 600 days | 79% |
HJR | 3/10 | 661 days | 41% |
Alyssa | 7/10 | 692 days | 68% |
J King | 2/10 | 720 days | 32% |
Matthew | 6/10 | 720 days | 61% |
Josh Harrop | 7/10 | 751 days | 64% |
Anna Tatje | 6/10 | 751 days | 59% |
Kate | 7/10 | 751 days | 64% |
Ella | 6/10 | 751 days | 59% |
Inge | 6/10 | 751 days | 59% |
Willow | 8/10 | 751 days | 67% |
Broos | 5/10 | 751 days | 52% |
Aiden | 5/10 | 782 days | 50% |
Magnus Munkholm | 2/10 | 812 days | 29% |
Al | 6/10 | 812 days | 54% |
Peter | 7/10 | 843 days | 56% |
Chloe | 9/10 | 935 days | 50% |
Klaas | 1/10 | 965 days | 19% |
Mo | 7/10 | 996 days | 42% |
Kevin | 1/10 | 1057 days | 16% |
Jackson | 9/10 | 1057 days | 39% |
Alan Bate | 2/10 | 1085 days | 17% |
Tori and James | 8/10 | 1116 days | 33% |
Sharlene | 9/10 | 1147 days | 31% |
Rachel Leghorn | 9/10 | 1147 days | 31% |
Max | 1/10 | 1208 days | 11% |
Maevath | 9/10 | 1330 days | 19% |
Anita | 7/10 | 1391 days | 15% |
Jenny | 9/10 | 1391 days | 16% |
James | 9/10 | 1481 days | 12% |
Marine | 9/10 | 1512 days | 11% |
Jay | 10/10 | 1512 days | 11% |
Georgia Cox-Wright | 9/10 | 1512 days | 11% |
Kirsty B | 8/10 | 1512 days | 10% |
Sue4 | 7/10 | 1573 days | 8% |
Felix | 8/10 | 1603 days | 8% |
Jacob | 1/10 | 1634 days | 3% |
Kate | 6/10 | 1665 days | 6% |
Moritz | 8/10 | 1816 days | 5% |
Ali | 9/10 | 1816 days | 5% |
Emily | 9/10 | 1816 days | 5% |
Gayle | 6/10 | 1847 days | 4% |
Kate | 8/10 | 1847 days | 5% |
Scott Peaker | 4/10 | 1847 days | 3% |
Jess | 6/10 | 1878 days | 4% |
Jenny | 8/10 | 1908 days | 5% |
Devin | 6/10 | 1908 days | 4% |
Lua | 9/10 | 1908 days | 5% |
Kate | 6/10 | 1939 days | 4% |
Mike Sc | 8/10 | 1939 days | 5% |
Tills | 10/10 | 1939 days | 5% |
CC | 6/10 | 2122 days | 4% |
Philip | 7/10 | 2153 days | 4% |
Housi | 5/10 | 2153 days | 3% |
Juan | 6/10 | 2153 days | 4% |
Yohanis | 8/10 | 2153 days | 4% |
Caro Del | 7/10 | 2181 days | 4% |
JT | 10/10 | 2181 days | 4% |
Tinker traveler | 5/10 | 2212 days | 3% |
Trudy Worboys | 10/10 | 2212 days | 4% |
Hanna | 8/10 | 2243 days | 4% |
Juliane | 6/10 | 2457 days | 3% |
Patty | 7/10 | 2487 days | 3% |
Peacock | 7/10 | 2487 days | 3% |
Maddie F | 6/10 | 2513 days | 3% |
Sean McLaren | 5/10 | 2514 days | 3% |
Laura | 8/10 | 2518 days | 4% |
Andrew Flanagan | 2/10 | 2526 days | 2% |
Magenta McHalick | 9/10 | 2543 days | 4% |
Simon Springett | 6/10 | 2545 days | 3% |
Amy Lord | 7/10 | 2553 days | 3% |
Zelie Frechin | 8/10 | 2597 days | 3% |
Annina Jarvinen | 3/10 | 2600 days | 2% |
mike panther | 3/10 | 2668 days | 2% |
Steve Neshausen | 10/10 | 2836 days | 3% |
Lucile Gendre | 7/10 | 2840 days | 3% |
Freddy Gates | 1/10 | 2853 days | 1% |
Corinna Fischer | 5/10 | 2860 days | 2% |
Brandon | 9/10 | 2872 days | 3% |
Harriet Smith | 7/10 | 2899 days | 3% |
Josh Coombes | 1/10 | 2910 days | 1% |
Megan Jurgensmeyer | 6/10 | 2976 days | 2% |
Sarah | 9/10 | 2986 days | 3% |
Tai T | 7/10 | 2988 days | 3% |
Paul Tysoe | 8/10 | 2996 days | 3% |
Ernst Mayerhofer | 8/10 | 2999 days | 3% |
Rima | 10/10 | 3003 days | 3% |
Diandra Buesen | 6/10 | 3030 days | 2% |
Frisko Bay | 5/10 | 3269 days | 2% |
Timon Flick | 10/10 | 3276 days | 2% |
Marius Gutgsell | 9/10 | 3301 days | 2% |
Lara Baetz | 8/10 | 3303 days | 2% |
Sarah Dial | 10/10 | 3307 days | 2% |
Tim De Boer | 6/10 | 3329 days | 2% |
Jan B | 4/10 | 3348 days | 1% |
Miaomace | 1/10 | 3350 days | 1% |
Ahmed Mohsen Aly | 2/10 | 3368 days | 1% |
Melissa Higgins | 6/10 | 3472 days | 2% |
Bob Fontaine | 10/10 | 3496 days | 2% |
Chris Read | 7/10 | 3530 days | 2% |
Christina L | 4/10 | 3530 days | 1% |
CMG | 6/10 | 3582 days | 1% |
Fides | 10/10 | 3604 days | 2% |
Miguel | 8/10 | 3613 days | 1% |
Emilie Normand | 10/10 | 3653 days | 1% |
Dominik Schaumburg | 9/10 | 3669 days | 1% |
Bram and Laura | 8/10 | 3704 days | 1% |
Anne Hempelt | 10/10 | 3705 days | 1% |
Polly Rider | 7/10 | 3708 days | 1% |
Hubert | 9/10 | 3712 days | 1% |
Ron Clarke | 10/10 | 3733 days | 1% |
Daniel Jarrett | 8/10 | 3794 days | 1% |
Cymen Crick | 10/10 | 3826 days | 1% |
mcp hm | 8/10 | 3887 days | 1% |
isabel Zander | 9/10 | 3947 days | 1% |
Cecilia Anderson | 4/10 | 3950 days | 1% |
Mattias | 3/10 | 3950 days | 0% |
Camille Bellay | 8/10 | 3950 days | 1% |
Catherine Schlachter | 7/10 | 3954 days | 1% |
Christina Perez | 5/10 | 3954 days | 1% |
Laura | 8/10 | 3962 days | 1% |
Andreas Schindler | 10/10 | 3962 days | 1% |
Meredith Griffiths | 10/10 | 3967 days | 1% |
Christopher Buch Madsen | 8/10 | 3974 days | 1% |
Elena Wilkins | 9/10 | 3976 days | 1% |
Johannes Grellmann | 9/10 | 3976 days | 1% |
Granjon | 5/10 | 3980 days | 1% |
Florian Guttler | 2/10 | 3980 days | 0% |
Cathrin Wisgiekl | 8/10 | 3983 days | 1% |
Miriam Grund | 8/10 | 3983 days | 1% |
Jan Kerkhoff | 10/10 | 3983 days | 1% |
Sagi | 7/10 | 3983 days | 1% |
Ennico | 8/10 | 3991 days | 1% |
Juliane | 9/10 | 3991 days | 1% |
Marvin Koever | 8/10 | 3993 days | 1% |
Max Meternich | 10/10 | 3993 days | 1% |
Ann Winter | 6/10 | 3997 days | 1% |
Jessie Sabine | 6/10 | 3998 days | 1% |
Matthew Trezise | 6/10 | 3998 days | 1% |
Toke Frederiksen | 9/10 | 4002 days | 1% |
Elena Goschia | 7/10 | 4005 days | 1% |
Immo Kern | 10/10 | 4005 days | 1% |
Lukas | 8/10 | 4005 days | 1% |
Philipp Kluseuer | 7/10 | 4005 days | 1% |
Jesseca Klausch | 10/10 | 4005 days | 1% |
Vincent Schaeflier | 10/10 | 4005 days | 1% |
Max Tetzlaff | 6/10 | 4005 days | 1% |
John Treasure | 9/10 | 4007 days | 1% |
Max Grabowski | 7/10 | 4007 days | 1% |
Florian Littmann | 9/10 | 4009 days | 1% |
Nimh Oudhof | 10/10 | 4011 days | 1% |
Claudia | 8/10 | 4016 days | 1% |
Luca Willensrock | 10/10 | 4023 days | 1% |
Alexia Greasbaum | 7/10 | 4026 days | 1% |
David Esner | 10/10 | 4027 days | 1% |
Felix | 6/10 | 4027 days | 1% |
Petra Kurcova | 8/10 | 4027 days | 1% |
Adam Balcar | 9/10 | 4027 days | 1% |
Anne Collet | 8/10 | 4031 days | 1% |
Aitnan Melman | 10/10 | 4040 days | 1% |
Simon Zenzen | 6/10 | 4041 days | 1% |
Alexandra Kupper | 7/10 | 4041 days | 1% |
arnaud paquet | 9/10 | 4069 days | 1% |
Emma K | 10/10 | 4160 days | 0% |
Nigel Shaw | 3/10 | 4313 days | 0% |
Pei | 8/10 | 4313 days | 0% |
Sarah Horn | 9/10 | 4332 days | 0% |
Sebastian Russell-Smits | 10/10 | 4332 days | 0% |
Cloarec Guillaume | 8/10 | 4339 days | 0% |
Clodec | 5/10 | 4339 days | 0% |
Joshua Perry | 8/10 | 4340 days | 0% |
Molly Ladd | 9/10 | 4340 days | 0% |
Lydia Kleinkoenen | 8/10 | 4348 days | 0% |
Jessica Grewe | 7/10 | 4348 days | 0% |
Hannah Lia-Isis Kubillus | 5/10 | 4348 days | 0% |
Brendon Furney | 10/10 | 4348 days | 0% |
Sebastian | 9/10 | 4348 days | 0% |
Sebastian | 9/10 | 4348 days | 0% |
Fabian | 9/10 | 4348 days | 0% |
Jonas Herrmann | 9/10 | 4348 days | 0% |
Tobi | 7/10 | 4349 days | 0% |
Jacob Bernhardt | 10/10 | 4349 days | 0% |
Ken Jones | 10/10 | 4351 days | 0% |
Courtney Quintrell | 7/10 | 4351 days | 0% |
Maja Bogdanowicz | 8/10 | 4351 days | 0% |
Missy and Chaz | 8/10 | 4354 days | 0% |
Rouquette | 9/10 | 4354 days | 0% |
Evyatar Tulipman | 10/10 | 4357 days | 0% |
Fabian Koitka | 9/10 | 4364 days | 0% |
Dani Wallinger | 9/10 | 4366 days | 0% |
Nora and Edward | 9/10 | 4367 days | 0% |
Elodie and jo | 10/10 | 4367 days | 0% |
Danish_family | 6/10 | 4372 days | 0% |
David Restell | 7/10 | 4372 days | 0% |
Pink | 9/10 | 4377 days | 0% |
rich kiimmii | 7/10 | 4403 days | 1% |
Will and Taylor | 9/10 | 4403 days | 1% |
Andrew Pearce | 8/10 | 4403 days | 1% |
Bene | 8/10 | 4420 days | 1% |
Jes Paulsen | 10/10 | 4423 days | 1% |
Harald Prinz | 9/10 | 4445 days | 1% |
nl | 7/10 | 4446 days | 1% |
Ruben Kunze | 9/10 | 4699 days | 1% |
Petr Stepanek | 10/10 | 4701 days | 1% |
Boule_de_gomme | 10/10 | 4709 days | 1% |
Hanna_Malte | 8/10 | 4709 days | 1% |
Daniel | 10/10 | 4713 days | 1% |
Dick Stewart | 6/10 | 4714 days | 1% |
Nora | 8/10 | 4722 days | 1% |
Moritz | 8/10 | 4722 days | 1% |
Nelly & Lisa | 8/10 | 4725 days | 1% |
Maximilian Heller | 9/10 | 4730 days | 1% |
Peter | 8/10 | 4769 days | 1% |
_smile | 10/10 | 4800 days | 1% |
Mark & Beth Kaufman | 7/10 | 4804 days | 1% |
jule | 10/10 | 4830 days | 1% |
Petra | 10/10 | 5038 days | 1% |
Stefanny Ling | 9/10 | 5040 days | 1% |
Alice Bastiman | 8/10 | 5052 days | 1% |
Franzi & Tobi | 10/10 | 5055 days | 1% |
Adi Leheucel | 8/10 | 5056 days | 1% |
Harald Schmidt | 9/10 | 5060 days | 1% |
Andreas Rath | 10/10 | 5060 days | 1% |
Michael Simmang | 6/10 | 5063 days | 1% |
Rissa W | 10/10 | 5075 days | 1% |
Matthew Franklin | 9/10 | 5077 days | 1% |
Adam Hayley | 8/10 | 5087 days | 1% |
Sebastian Engelke | 8/10 | 5091 days | 1% |
Rich Butler | 9/10 | 5093 days | 1% |
Faye & Ben | 7/10 | 5098 days | 1% |
Bekema | 9/10 | 5101 days | 1% |
Hans De Bruin | 9/10 | 5103 days | 1% |
astridaus | 10/10 | 5409 days | 1% |
nzseeman | 10/10 | 5409 days | 1% |
hooperuk | 10/10 | 5409 days | 1% |
Mary | 7/10 | 5442 days | 1% |
Dersiree Moerbeek | 9/10 | 5466 days | 1% |
Peter Tres | 8/10 | 5483 days | 1% |
balthes | 10/10 | 5513 days | 1% |
sanneb1 | 8/10 | 5515 days | 1% |
robineth | 9/10 | 5523 days | 1% |
Anita de Boer | 7/10 | 5532 days | 1% |
Emma Coltman | 10/10 | 5532 days | 1% |
Karen Raven | 6/10 | 5537 days | 1% |
Chris Leach | 9/10 | 5537 days | 1% |
Lisette X | 9/10 | 5538 days | 1% |
sharon armstrong | 10/10 | 5560 days | 1% |
godineau | 8/10 | 5656 days | 1% |
Robert Wolf | 9/10 | 5770 days | 1% |
Nadine | 9/10 | 5820 days | 1% |
Ole | 8/10 | 5823 days | 1% |
No Adjustment
Several adjustments to the weighted average may be added to improve relevancy and credibility. Hipapatua / Reid's Farm Recreation Reserve Free Campsite does not meet the criteria for any of these adjustments to apply.
9.85% Adjustment
Every experience's review score is adjusted to balance out the disproportional number of negative reviews that are contributed.
You won't be surprised to learn that disgruntled folk are more likely to leave a review than happy ones. They are motivated to share their experience and warn others. We consider this a good thing and it's why reading the reviews is important. However we've learned it can misrepresent the experience in a more overall sense.
We apply a balancing adjustment to counteract this effect and ensure the ranking score is a more fair representation of the experience. This adjustment is applied equally to all experiences.
The final ranking score once any adjustments, ratings, and rounding has been applied. This value is recalculated each day and a short rolling average is applied. Therefore it may not be precisely accurate based on the other values presented.